cc_by-nc-ndcc_by-nc-ndMüller, JoachimStroth, U.Aurich, S.Argyropoulos, DimitriosJanzen, O.Krause, N.Romano, GuiseppeHeindl, A.Heberle, B.Leins, M.Schulz, A.Voesgen, W.2024-04-082024-04-082013-02-202011 preliminary results show that microwave-generated low pressure air plasmas could be a very efficient method for the decontamination of spices since the population of a microorganism (Bacillus subtilis) commonly found in black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) was significantly reduced on test substrates in a very short period of time. Based on the experimental results, a laboratory apparatus was developed for the sterilisation of spices.engPiper nigrum L.Non-thermal air plasmaBacillus subtilisSterilisation630Schwarzer PfefferSterilisationMikrowellenplasmaDecontamination of black peppercorn (Piper nigrum L.) using microwave-generated low pressure air plasmaConferenceObject379524430urn:nbn:de:bsz:100-opus-8141