After logging in to hohPublica, you will be taken to your personal area. This provides you with an overview of your own publications and allows you to submit new documents for publication.
You can display three different lists in your area:
Since you only manage your own publications on hohPublica with your account, only the first list “Your submissions” is relevant for you. Here you can see all publications that you have submitted yourself. Your document can have one of the following states:
You have started a new submission using the input mask, but you have only saved it and not yet submitted it for publication. In this case, the document is still in your personal workspaceand you have the following options for this publication in the list:
When you submit a document for publication using the input mask, it is given the status “business process” and is submitted to the KIM colleagues for review. Please wait until your submission has been checked and you have received feedback. In this state, you can only view the metadata of your submission.
Published documents are given the status “Archived”. From here, you can access the publication's landing page by clicking on the “View” button.