
Hier werden die Unterschiede zwischen zwei Versionen angezeigt.

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en:publications:contract [2024/11/12 11:15] – angelegt dspaceen:publications:contract [2024/11/25 08:23] (aktuell) – [Publishing agreement] dspace
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-====== Publication agreement ======+[[en:publications | Publications]] 
 +===== Publishing agreement ===== 
 +In order for KIM to accept and execute the order to publish a submitted document on hohPublica, a contract must be concluded between the person submitting the document and KIM. The publishing agreement regulates all the conditions for publishing the document. 
 +The person submitting the document accepts this entry digitally as part of the submission process in the input form by clicking on the corresponding checkbox. 
 +Only the German version of this contract is legally binding. An English translation of the contract text is available here. 
 +  * **German model contract:** {{ :publications:hohpublica_veroeffentlichungsvertrag_muster.pdf |}} 
 +  * **English model contract:** {{ :publications:hohpublica_publication_contract_template.pdf |}}