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Copyright and creative commons licenses
For all documents published in electronic form via hohPublica, German copyright law applies without restriction. This means that you as the author retain all rights to your work and are free to decide on its use, distribution and modification.
To make it easier for others to use your content, you can provide your work with a Creative Commons license. Creative Commons (CC) offers various license models that allow you to specify the conditions under which your content may be reused. For example, you can decide whether your work may be used commercially or whether edits are permitted. In total, there are six different types of Creative Commons licenses, each offering different degrees of freedom and restrictions:
License selection in hohPublica
In the hohPublica form, you can define the rights for how your publication can be used by “end users” (persons, institutions, etc.). You can choose between the six CC licenses and use in accordance with German copyright law.
If the copyright license is selected, the KIM of the University of Hohenheim is only granted a simple right of use to publish the work freely accessible worldwide on the Internet. Users may then re-use the publication in accordance with German copyright law, i.e. they may not independently reproduce or redistribute the work or make any adaptations to it.
License selection for cumulative dissertations
For cumulative dissertations, we recommend publishing under copyright, as the articles included are often subject to different licensing conditions of the publishers and a uniform open access license for the entire dissertation could cause legal conflicts.
If your cumulative dissertation consists exclusively of open access articles with CC licenses, you can also place the entire work under a CC license. It is important to select the most restrictive license of the articles included to ensure that the license conditions of all articles are complied with.