Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!
At the University of Hohenheim, all three faculties have the option of submitting doctoral theses in electronic form. The doctoral regulations state that you can fulfill the obligation to publish your dissertation by submitting three printed copies and one electronic copy to the KIM library. You can use the publication server hohPublica for the electronic submission of dissertations. Please note the following information:
* CV: For data protection reasons, you are not obliged to include a CV in the document. If you would like to include a CV, we recommend that you only include your work history.
- Original signatures: Original signatures in printed and electronic copies can be misused. We therefore recommend that you remove all signatures.
- Consistency of printed and electronic versions: The printed and electronic versions of the dissertation must be identical. If you remove your CV, please insert a placeholder page for each page removed so that the number of pages of the thesis does not change compared to the printed version.
- Order of submission: We recommend that you submit the electronic version of the dissertation to the publication server first. The dissertation team will check the document and get back to you if there are any questions so that any changes can be made before the dissertation is printed.