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Submit article
Please make sure that your document meets our prerequisites and is prepared according to our instructions.
Registration for submission
Please log in to hohPublica either with your Hohenheim user account or with your external account.
Note on the publication of articles
Please note that the KIM partially publishes scientific journal articles with an open access license (Creative Commons) and the participation of Hohenheim authors itself via semi-automatic procedures in hohPublica.
This applies in particular to articles from the following groups:
- Articles from publishers that participate in the DeepGreen delivery service
- Articles whose publication was funded by the University of Hohenheim's publication fund
Therefore, please check whether your article is already available in hohPublica by searching for the title or DOI in the hohPublica search. If you cannot find the article yet, please feel free to submit it using the submission form.
You submit your document independently via the input mask on hohPublica. After registering on hohPublica, you will be able to access your area (“My area”) using the navigation.
A bar will appear at the top of your area, where you can drag and drop your file directly. You will be asked to select the collection in which you would like to submit your document. Please search for your institute and select it. You will then be redirected to the input mask.
Alternatively, click on the plus symbol to the right of the file field to start the input. You can also upload your file within the input mask.
Note: You do not have to complete your submission in one session. You can click on “Save” or “Save for later” at any time and return to your submission at a later point in time from your area.
Since the publication of your article is most likely a secondary publication on hohPublica that has already been published by a publisher, you will usually already have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). In this case, the system does not have to generate a new DOI.
However, when you start entering data, the system always reserves a DOI of its own and displays it in the “Identifier” section. To prevent this DOI from being generated, please enter the existing DOI in URL form (preceded by “https://doi.org/”) further down in the “Formal description” section under “Identifiers”. When you save your entry afterwards, the system's own DOI will no longer be displayed in the “Identifiers” section above.
Uploading files (upload field input mask and “Upload files” area)
If you have not already dragged your file into the field in “My area” and thus started the input mask, you can now upload your document: either drag your file into the upload field at the top of the input mask with the mouse or click on “Browse” to search for the file to be uploaded in your file directory.
You will see an overview of the files you have uploaded in the section “Upload files” directly below the upload area.
In addition to the primary text file (PDF), scientific articles often include additional information in various file formats (so-called “Supplementary Material”, “Additional Information”, “Additional files”, etc.). You can upload these files in addition to your primary file. If it is only one additional PDF file, you can simply upload it as a second file. If there are several files and/or files in formats other than PDF, please compress all additional files into a ZIP file (you can name this “supplement.zip”, for example) and upload this ZIP file in addition.
Formal data (input mask area “Formal description”)
Under the section “Formal description”, enter some descriptive data about your publication: - Title of the work (input mask field name “Title”): Incl. subtitle. If there is a subtitle, please enter it in the same field, separated from the title by “ : ” (example: Title : subtitle). Name of the participating authors (input mask field name “Authors”): Please enter the participating persons in the form last name, first name. Please enter only one person per field. To add another person, please click on the plus symbol to open another input field for another person. Year of publication of the article (input mask field name “Date of issue”): Please enter the year in which the article was published. Usually this is the respective volume of the journal in which the article appears. Although the input mask allows you to enter a complete date including month and day, it is sufficient to enter only the year. Existing identifier of the article (input mask field name “Identifiers”): Please enter an already existing DOI of your article as an additional identifier by clicking on the plus symbol and then selecting the type “URI” in the newly appearing input field on the left side. On the right side, please enter the DOI in URL form, i.e. with a leading “https://doi.org/”. Example: “https://doi.org/10.2030/12345”. This ensures that hohPublica does not generate its own system DOI. - Language in which the article was written (input mask Field label (“Language”).