Versuchsstation für Tierhaltung, Tierzüchtung und Kleintierzucht

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    Verwendung männlicher Hühnerküken aus Legehybridherkünften zur Erzeugung von Stubenküken
    (2012) Sonder, Mirjam; Grashorn, Michael
    This Project referred to the announcement of a directive about the advancement of innovations to improve livestock breeding (Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection). The aim of the study was the development of ethically justifiable methods within the scope of reproduction of laying hens. The purpose was to find an alternative to the present culling of one day old male layer chickens by using them as coquelets. In three trials, different layer breeds and different feeding regimes had been compared for their effects on performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality parameters. In general, by significantly reducing fattening duration an improvement in feed conversion and by this in profitability can be expected. The present study demonstrated the feasibility of coquelet production by using laying-type cockerels. An attractive product of good quality can be produced. Nevertheless, twice as high production costs than for conventional broiler will oppose a widespread marketing. Although, coquelet production contributes to animal welfare, it seems unlikely to convince consumers to pay these higher prices.