Genetic and phenotypic correlations among feed efficiency, immune and production traits in indigenous chicken of Kenya

dc.contributor.authorMiyumo, Sophie A.
dc.contributor.authorWasike, Chrilukovian B.
dc.contributor.authorIlatsia, Evans D.
dc.contributor.authorBennewitz, Jorn
dc.contributor.authorChagunda, Mizeck G. G.
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed at estimating genetic and phenotypic relationships among feed efficiency, immune and production traits measured pre- (9–20 weeks of age) and post- (12 weeks from on-set of lay) maturity. Production traits were average daily gain (ADG) and average daily feed-intake (ADFI1) in the pre-maturity period and age at first egg (AFE), average daily feed-intake (ADFI2) and average daily egg mass (EM) in the post-maturity period. Feed efficiency comprised of residual feed intake (RFI) estimated in both periods. Natural antibodies binding to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH-IgM) and specific antibodies binding to Newcastle disease virus (NDV-IgG) measured at 16 and 28 weeks of age represented immune traits pre- and post-maturity, respectively. In the growing period, 1,820 records on ADG, KLH-IgM and NDV-IgG, and 1,559 records on ADFI1 and RFI were available for analyses. In the laying period, 1,340 records on AFE, EM, KLH-IgM and NDV-IgG, and 1,288 records on ADFI2 and RFI were used in the analyses. Bi-variate animal mixed model was fitted to estimate (co)variance components, heritability and correlations among the traits. The model constituted sex, population, generation, line and genotype as fixed effects, and animal and residual effects as random variables. During the growing period, moderate to high heritability (0.36–0.68) was estimated for the production traits and RFI while the antibody traits had low (0.10–0.22) heritability estimates. Post-maturity, the production traits and RFI were moderately (0.30–0.37) heritable while moderate to high (0.25–0.41) heritability was estimated for the antibody traits. Genetic correlations between feed efficiency and production traits in both periods showed that RFI had negative genetic correlations with ADG (−0.47) and EM (−0.56) but was positively correlated with ADFI1 (0.60), ADFI2 (0.74) and AFE (0.35). Among immune and production traits, KLH-IgM and NDV-IgG had negative genetic correlations with ADG (−0.22; −0.56), AFE (−0.39; −0.42) and EM (−0.35; −0.16) but were positively correlated with ADFI1 (0.41; 0.34) and ADFI2 (0.47; 0.52). Genetic correlations between RFI with KLH-IgM (0.62; 0.33) and NDV-IgG (0.58; 0.50) were positive in both production periods. Feed intake, RFI and antibody traits measured in both production periods were positively correlated with estimates ranging from 0.48 to 0.82. Results from this study indicate selection possibilities to improve production, feed efficiency and immune-competence in indigenous chicken. The genetic correlations suggest that improved feed efficiency would be associated with high growth rates, early maturing chicken, high egg mass and reduced feed intake. In contrast, improved general (KLH-IgM) and specific (NDV-IgG) immunity would result in lower growth rates and egg mass but associated with early sexual maturation and high feed intake. Unfavorable genetic correlations between feed efficiency and immune traits imply that chicken of higher productivity and antibody levels will consume more feed to support both functions. These associations indicate that selective breeding for feed efficiency and immune-competence may have genetic consequences on production traits and should therefore be accounted for in indigenous chicken improvement programsen
dc.sourceFrontiers in genetics; Vol. 13 (2023) 1070304de
dc.subjectIndigenous chicken
dc.subjectFeed efficiency
dc.subjectGenetic parameters
dc.titleGenetic and phenotypic correlations among feed efficiency, immune and production traits in indigenous chicken of Kenyaen
dcterms.bibliographicCitationFrontiers in genetics, 13 (2023), 1070304. ISSN: 1664-8021
dcterms.bibliographicCitation.journaltitleFrontiers in genetics
local.export.bibtex@article{Miyumo2023, url = {}, doi = {10.3389/fgene.2022.1070304}, author = {Miyumo, Sophie A. and Wasike, Chrilukovian B. and Ilatsia, Evans D. et al.}, title = {Genetic and phenotypic correlations among feed efficiency, immune and production traits in indigenous chicken of Kenya}, journal = {Frontiers in genetics}, year = {2023}, volume = {13}, }
local.export.bibtexAuthorMiyumo, Sophie A. and Wasike, Chrilukovian B. and Ilatsia, Evans D. et al.


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