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WTO membership and the extensive margin of world trade : new evidence

Abstract (English)

Recent literature has argued that, contrary to the results of a seminal paper by Rose (2004), WTO membership does promote bilateral trade, at least for developed economies and if membership includes non-formal compliance. We review the literature in order to identify open issues. We then develop the simplest possible \corner-solutions" version of the gravity model which serves as a framework to readdress these issues. We focus on the extensive margin of trade that separates positive-trade from zero-trade country pairs. We argue that the model can be consistently estimated using Poisson pseudo-maximum-likelihood methods with exporter and importer fixed effects. We account for coding issues and the potential heterogeneity of the WTO membership which recent contributions have stressed. While we find that WTO membership increases the likelihood that a given country pair trades, we do not find that the extensive margin has a strong and systematic effect on the average trade-creating potential of the WTO.

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Publication series

Hohenheimer Diskussionsbeiträge; 304

Published in

Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre (bis 2010)

Examination date


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Classification (DDC)
330 Economics

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Standardized keywords (GND)

Sustainable Development Goals


@techreport{Felbermayr2009, url = {}, author = {Felbermayr, Gabriel and Kohler, Wilhelm}, title = {WTO membership and the extensive margin of world trade : new evidence}, year = {2009}, school = {Universität Hohenheim}, series = {Hohenheimer Diskussionsbeiträge}, }
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