Forschungsbericht Agrartechnik des Fachausschusses Forschung und Lehre der Max-Eyth-Gesellschaft Agrartechnik im VDI (VDI-MEG)
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Publication Untersuchungen und Verbesserungen der Querstromtrocknung von Getreide(1980) Kuppinger, Heinz; Kutzbach, Heinz DieterDas Querstromtrocknungsverfahren findet weit verbreitete Anwendung zur Getreidetrocknung. Allerdings hat dieses Trocknungsverfahren den Nachteil der geringen Trocknungsleistung, des hohen Wärmebedarfs und der ungleichmäßigen Trocknung der Körnerschüttung.. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es daher, zu untersuchen, inwieweit durch eine Variation der das Trocknungsverhalten beeinflussenden Trocknungsparameter und durch eine Modifikation des Querstromverfahrens Verbesserungen der Querstromtrocknung zu erreichen sind.Publication Untersuchung der Strömungsvorgänge und Ermittlung von Kennlinien an Gutaufgabeinjektoren zur pneumatischen Förderung(1983) Hutt, WernerMit Injektoren werden Gase, Flüssigkeiten oder Feststoffe durch Flüssigkeits- oder Gastreibstrahlen gefördert. Bei der pneumatischen Förderung werden mit Gutaufgabeinjektoren rieselfähige Schüttgüter von feinem Staub bis zu grobem Granulat in die Förderleitung eingeschleust. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Gutaufgabeinjektoren, die vorwiegend in der Verfahrenstechnik und in der Landtechnik zur pneumatischen Förderung im Niederdruckbereich verwendet werden, untersucht. Der Verlauf der Geschwindigkeiten der Luft und des Feststoffes sowie des Drucks werden nach einem physikalischen Modell berechnet und experimentell überprüft. Weiterhin werden Kennlinien von Gutaufgabeinjektoren mit verschiedenen Querschnitts- und Längsverhältnissen experimentell ermittelt und ihre Anwendung zur Auslegung von Gutaufgabeinjektoren für pneumatische Förderanlagen gezeigt.Publication Untersuchungen zum Dresch- und Trennvorgang von Getreide in einem Axialdreschwerk(1985) Wacker, Peter; Kutzbach, Heinz DieterIn der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die für Axialdreschwerke weitgehend ungeklärten funktionellen Zusammenhänge zwischen verschiedenen Parametern und verschiedenen für die Bewertung der Arbeitsqualität maßgeblichen Kenngrößen für Getreide theoretisch ermittelt und an einer Versuchseinrichtung mit zylindrischem Rotor und feststehendem Außenmantel untersucht.Publication Dynamische Eigenschaften von Ackerschlepper-Triebradreifen bei höheren Rollgeschwindigkeiten(1989) Schrogl, Horst; Kutzbach, Heinz DieterDa über das dynamische Verhalten rollender Ackerschlepperreifen bisher nur wenig bekannt war, war es das Ziel dieser Arbeit, die Einflüsse von Reifenabmessungen und -bauart, sowie der Betriebsbedingungen wie Rollgeschwindigkeit, Belastung und Reifeninnendruck zu ermitteln. Durch die umfangreichen Versuchsreihen mit einem neuen Flachbahnprüfstand konnten dabei zum großen Teil sehr eindeutige und neue Erkenntnisse gewonnen werden.Publication Einfluss verschiedener Parameter auf die Trenneigenschaften des Planetentrommelsortierers bei der Korn-Spreu-Trennung(1989) González Oliva, Abel; Kutzbach, Heinz DieterDer erhöhte Kurzstrohanteil moderner Mähdrescher mit rotierenden Dresch- und Trennelementen und der Wunsch nach einer hangunabhängigen Reinigungsanlage macht die Entwicklung und Untersuchung neuer Separationsverfahren zur Korn-Spreu-Trennung notwendig. Als eine Alternative zu den konventionellen Flachsieb-Reinigungsanlagen wurde der Planetentrommelsortierer untersucht. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung des Arbeitsverhaltens und des Einflusses verschiedener Parameter auf die Trenneigenschaften dieses Verfahrens.Publication Applikationstechnische Untersuchungen im Weinbau an Pflanzenschutzgeräten mit Einrichtungen zur Rückführung nicht angelagerter Spritzflüssigkeit(1990) Kleinlagel, Bernd; Kutzbach, Heinz DieterZur Verringerung der Umweltbelastung bei Pflanzenschutzmaßnahmen sind u.a. technische Weiterentwicklungen der Pflanzenschutzgeräte notwendig. Die erst seit kurzer Zeit im deutschen Weinbau anzutreffenden Pflanzenschutzgeräte mit Einrichtungen zur Rückführung nicht angelagerter Spritzflüssigkeit, kurz Recyclinggeräte genannt, versprechen neben einer deutlichen Reduzierung von Abdrift und Bodensedimentation der Pflanzenschutzmittel auch eine Verbesserung der Wirtschaftlichkeit durch Wiederverwendung der nicht zur Anlagerung gelangten Spritzflüssigkeit. Die unter Laborbedingungen durchgeführten Versuche zur Bestimmung der Auffangraten liefern grundlegende Daten zu den verschiedenen technischen Lösungen. Ziel der unter praxisüblichen Bedingungen durchgeführten Freilanduntersuchungen war es, aufzuzeigen, inwieweit diese neue Applikationstechnik Spritzmittelverluste mindert und dennoch eine qualitativ und quantitativ ausreichende Wirkstoffanlagerung auf den Rebblättern ermöglicht.Publication Untersuchungen leistungsspezifischer Kenngrößen der Zugtiernutzung im südlichen Niger(1991) Betker, Joachim; Kutzbach, Heinz DieterIm Niger wie auch in anderen Ländern verlangt die Ernährung einer ständig wachsenden Bevölkerung nachhaltige Produktionssteigerungen im landwirtschaftlichen Bereich. Die Weiterentwicklung der traditionellen Handarbeit durch die Mechanisierung von Feld- und Transportarbeiten ermöglicht durch eine Steigerung der Arbeitsproduktivität diese notwendige Erhöhung der agrarwirtschaftlichen Produktion. Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, Ansätze zu einer Optimierung der Zugtiernutzung durch die Ermittlung leistungsspezifischer Kenngrößen aufzuzeigen. Hierfür ist die Anpassung des Leistungsbedarfs der lokal eingesetzten Gerätetypen an das Leistungsvermögen der vorhandenen Zugtiere von besonderer Bedeutung.Publication Experimenteller Beitrag zum Schräglauf- und Lenkmomentverhalten rollender Reifen landwirtschaftlicher Fahrzeuge auf starrer und nachgiebiger Fahrbahn(1991) Heine, AdolfBeim Einsatz landwirtschaftlicher Fahrzeuge können zwei Fahrzustände mit schrägrollenden Reifen unterschieden werden. Die Spurhaltung beim Fahren am Hang oder beim Pflügen erfolgt durch konstant (stationär) schräglaufende Reifen, wohingegen Lenkvorgänge zur Änderung der Fahrtrichtung als instationäre Fahrzustände anzusehen sind, weil sich der Reifenschräglauf hierbei ständig ändert. Um das instationäre Schräglaufverhalten der Reifen landwirtschaftlicher Fahrzeuge auf starren und nachgiebigen Fahrbahnen untersuchen zu können, wurde als Versuchseinrichtung ein Einachsanhänger mit stufenlos gegeneinander einlenkbaren Versuchsreifen und einer Fünf-Komponenten-Kraft- und Momentmessnabe entwickelt.Publication Tierbetriebene Antriebssysteme für Nacherntearbeiten in Entwicklungsländern(1993) Dippon, Klaus; Kutzbach, Heinz DieterAuf dem Hintergrund der starken Bevölkerungszunahme in Entwicklungsländern sind gezielte Maßnahmen erforderlich, um die Versorgung der dortigen Bevölkerung mit Lebensmitteln zu verbessern. Die Nutzung von Zugtieren für landwirtschaftliche Arbeitsprozesse bietet gegenüber der Handarbeit die Möglichkeit, die Produktivität in der Landwirtschaft zu steigern. Mit der Einführung von Göpeln können Nacherntearbeiten, wie beispielsweise das Schälen von Reis und das Mahlen von Getreide, mechanisiert werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden drei verschiedene Göpelsysteme untersucht und hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung für den Einsatz in Entwicklungsländern miteinander verglichen.Publication Untersuchungen an Werkzeugen für die Direkteinbringung von Flüssigmist in Grünland(1993) Walter, Andreas; Kutzbach, Heinz DieterDie unangenehmsten Geruchsbelästigungen, die von Tierhaltungsbetrieben ausgehen, entstehen bei der Flüssigmistausbringung. Darüber hinaus finden Ammoniakemissionen ein wachsendes Interesse, da sie an der Ausbildung komplexer Umweltschäden beteiligt sind. Auf Grünland ist der Emissionsdruck nach der Flüssigmistausbringung besonders hoch, da die Gülle auf einer großen Pflanzenoberfläche verteilt wird und nicht sofort mit dem Boden in Kontakt kommt. Eine sofortige Einarbeitung des ausgebrachten Flüssigmistes in den Boden kann die genannten Probleme teilweise entschärfen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden hierzu verschiedene Verfahren auf Grünland untersucht.Publication Untersuchungen zur Ertragskartierung während der Getreideernte mit dem Mähdrescher(1997) Reitz, PeterDie Getreideernte in den Industrieländern wird heute ausschließlich mit dem Mähdrescher durchgeführt. Durch eine gleichzeitige Ertragskartierung werden die Voraussetzungen für eine teilflächenspezifische Feldbewirtschaftung geschaffen. Aus den geokartierten Ertragsdaten lassen sich Rückschlüsse über kleinräumige Unterscheide in den Wachstumsbedingungen innerhalb eines Feldes ziehen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die theoretischen Grundlagen zur Ertragskartierung und ein Verfahren zum Betrieb des Mähdreschers mit geokodierten Teilflächendaten entwickelt und untersucht. Zu deren Realisierung werden Module für die Erfassung, Übertragung, Verarbeitung und Umsetzung geokodierter Teilflächendaten benötigt.Publication Untersuchungen zur pneumatischen Aufnahme von Unkrautsamen(1998) Kahrs, Johannes; Kutzbach, Heinz DieterDie Erntearbeit mit dem Mähdrescher kann für die Unkrautbekämpfung genutzt werden. Die Unkrautbekämpfung, bzw. die Beeinflussung der Unkrautpopulation beim Mähdrusch kann mit unterschedlichen Geräten und Einrichtungen durchgeführt werden. Insbesondere in biologischen Betrieben sollte die Erntearbeit mit dem Mähdrescher aus ökonomischen und ökologischen Gründen genutzt werden, um Unkrautsamen von der Ackerfläche zu entfernen und damit den Unkrautsamenvorrat des Bodens zu entziehen. Eine Möglichkleit ist die Sammlung der bei der Getreidernte auf der Bodenoberfläche liegenden Unkrautsamen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit werden spezielle Saugeinrichtungen für die pneumatische Aufnahme von Unkrautsamen untersucht.Publication Untersuchungen zur Reduzierung der Ammoniakemissionen nach der Ausbringung von Rinderflüssigmist auf Grünland(2000) Reitz, Petra; Kutzbach, Heinz DieterAmmoniakemissionen stammen zum Großteil aus der landwirtschaftlichen Tierhaltung etwa die Hälfte wird durch die Ausbringung von Flüssigmist verursacht. Unter ungünstigen Bedingungen kann der mit dem Flüssigmist ausgebrachte Ammonium-Stickstoff fast vollständig als NH3-Gas in die Atmosphäre emittieren. Negative Folgewirkungen sind die Verringerung des Düngewertes, eine ungesicherte Düngewirkung sowie nachhaltige Umweltschädigungen. Ziel der Untersuchungen war die Bestimmung der Einflussfaktoren auf die NH3-N-Emissionen nach der Ausbringung von Rinderflüssigmist auf Grünland. Es wurden verschiedene Witterungsbedingungen und verfahrenstechnische Maßnahmen wie Ausbringverfahren, Ausbringmenge und veränderte Zusammensetzung des Flüssigmistes untersucht.Publication Einfluss mechanischer und pneumatischer Parameter auf die Leistungsfähigkeit von Reinigungsanlagen im Mähdrescher(2002) Zhao, Yuanguo; Kutzbach, Heinz DieterZiel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Erarbeitung von Grundlagen für die Konstruktion von Mähdrescherreinigungsanlagen durch die Untersuchung der Wirkung der Fallstufen. Da die Wirkung der Fallstufen von der mechanischen Anregung durch das Schwingsieb sowie von der Luftströmung unter dem Sieb stark beeinflusst wird, werden sowohl die Wirkung der Luftströmung unter dem Sieb wie auch der Einfluss der mechanischen Parameter ohne Fallstufe untersucht. Bei Schwingsieben mit einer Fallstufe bzw. mit zwei Fallstufen werden die Einflüsse der Luftströmungen auf die Leistungsfähigkeit der Reinigungsanlage und die Wechselwirkungen ermittelt.Publication Influences on the performance of the stripper rotor in rice(2002) Tado, Caesar Joventino M.; Kutzbach, Heinz DieterRice is the most important food crop in many countries of Asia. In the Philippines, it is the staple food for more than 80% of the people while 70% of our population depend on rice farming and marketing for livelihood. However, despite the importance of rice in the lives of the Filipinos, production has not been able to consistently meet their needs. The ever-growing population continues to exert tremendous pressure on the rice farmers to produce more. The principle of stripping, that is, collecting the grains without harvesting the straw, presents a bright prospect in mechanical harvesting technology. A kinematic analysis of the stripper rotor during operation was made with a newly designed stripper test rig.Publication Untersuchungen zur automatischen Erntemaschinenführung mit Satellitennavigation und Leitlinienplanung(2006) Stoll, AlbertThe working devices of agricultural machines have been optimised continuously in the last decades. Additionally, the size of the machines, the working width and the installed power have been increased. The common combination of a tractor and a mounted, exchangeable implement is often replaced by specialized, self-propelled machines for one definite operation. Especially for harvesters this development can be noticed. The operation of a harvester requires a high concentration of the driver. He has to operate and monitor the complex and numerous working devices. Depending on the harvester the crop has to be transferred continuously or with interrupts to a transport vehicle. Working widths of harvester headers can reach to 9 m in Germany. In other countries they can be even exceeded. The working edge of these wide headers can be surveyed badly. Therefore, it is difficult to guide the machine in that way that the whole working width is used. Furthermore, the driver has to adjust the driving speed according to the local harvesting conditions. Regarding the harvesting process the driver has to choose an efficient course inside the field and at the headland. Bad sight conditions caused by back light, dust or darkness as well as time pressure caused by weather conditions and ripeness of the crop make the drivers tasks even more difficult. If suitable control systems steer the machine and adjust the driving speed automatically, the driver can concentrate on the main functions of the harvester. Therefore, the throughput and the working quality can be increased. The aim of this thesis is to develop the basic theory for an automatic guidance for harvesters which has to be investigated with a self-propelled forage harvester in practice. It was demanded that the positioning data which are necessary for the automatic guidance are provided by receivers for the differential Global Positioning System. They have an accuracy of a few centimetres. No other navigation sensors should be used. The developed guidance system is structured in the closed loop transversal and the closed loop longitudinal control system. The lateral control reduces the lateral offset to the guidance path and the longitudinal control keeps the throughput constant in the field with varying yields. The control plan is defined by the guidance path which describes the desired driving route and the speed of the harvester. Path planning methods have been developed and investigated for different harvest operations. Path planning methods for swath harvesting and field covering operations are presented. The driving course of the swather is recorded during operation. With these data the guidance path for the forage harvester is calculated. The path allows a harvest operation in forward motion in every case, in order to avoid problems between harvester and transport vehicles at the headland. In order to plan the guidance path for a field covering harvest operation, the field is first structured into a headland and a main operation area. The headland provides the turning area. Also neighbour areas are considered which can be passed. Therefore, soil damaging turning manoeuvres can be carried out outside the field. The main operation area is divided into further areas, so that the guidance path has as many straight parts as possible. The number of turns can be reduced in this manner. The simulation of the path planning process and an automatically guided harvester shows that 20% of the turning distance and 10% of the total distance can be saved in comparison to a manually guided harvester without path planning.Publication Kraftstoffverbrauch beim Einsatz von Ackerschleppern im besonderen Hinblick auf die CO2-Emissionen(2006) Schreiber, Matthias; Kutzbach, Heinz DieterAgricultural tractors are currently almost exclusively driven by diesel engines. By rising fuel prices and growing ecological awareness concerning CO2-emissions and preservation of fossil fuel resources the importance of fuel consumption has been increasing. Generally, the substitution of diesel by alternative fuel based on vegetable oil is possible, however the potential for the substitution is limited by the scarcity of agricultural farmland and categorized as low. The cost savings are not very big due to higher fuel consumption with bio fuel. Therefore, only the reduction of fuel consumption for different agricultural operations and if applicable the reorganisation of the production chains can contribute to a sustained reduction of fuel consumption and costs. In this thesis the basic influencing factors on fuel consumption of tractors are shown. Field tests are only of limited usefulness for the examination of single influencing variables. For those studies a model had to be developed. The presented model is based on the status of science concerning engine and transmission performances as well as tractive performance for agricultural tractors and is combined with the ASAE-Standard 497.4-model for the tractive force needed to pull the implement. As existing tyre-soil-models are only of limited use to predict tractive performance in the field and to deliver these values to the tractor model, an independent traction prediction model was developed. It is based on empirical equations, which were parameterized on the basis of numerous field tests. Furthermore, the influence of the fuel consumption for turning over in the headlands and for transportation work were investigated and considered in the model. The new model was implemented into the software Matlab to determine fuel consumption for different agricultural work and defined parameter variations. The calculated values were compared to the results of field tests with a special equipped tractor at the University of Hohenheim to validate the model. The model was used to investigate the influence of numerous influencing parameters, the effect on fuel consumption was shown and optimization strategies were developed. The saving potential by the optimization of the working process is up to 30 % for different implements, depending on the current state. For this purpose the tractive efficiency must be maximized by the correct weight of the tractor and the correct tyres, tractor and implement must be adjusted ideal, four wheel drive and differential locks must be used if necessary and the transmission ratio must be chosen to run the engine close to the optimum working point with the optimum engine load. Besides the process optimisation it is important to deliver standard values for the fuel consumption for different working operations and production chains for the practical use. For the presented model a large number of parameters has to be determined, thus it is of limited use to calculate standard values. Furthermore, it is too accurate for those calculations. Therefore, the model was used to obtain simplified equations for a quick and simple calculation of fuel consumption values, considering the major criteria of engine, transmission and tractive performance of the tractor as the drawbar pull and the needed PTO-power of the implement. On the basis of these equations, implemented into Microsoft Excel, the required standard values for fuel consumption can be calculated for different tractors with implements of different size and defined soil conditions. However, the required data of some implements are not complete. For the most important agricultural implements these parameters were determined by measurements or collected from KTBL- or FAT-values. The results for different operations and production chains are correlating well with values measured in the field. The effect of the field size or the distance between field and the farm yard on fuel consumption can be shown as well. The saving potential by changing the whole production chain (like zero tillage) is enormous, however, there are horticultural and economical external effects. As those economical effects can hardly be estimated, the conversion of the production chain has to be reviewed for the individual case. In the future the importance of fuel consumption will increase. Different saving strategies will gain in importance in order to optimize agricultural operations with respect to fuel consumption. The approach of this thesis can be used to show saving potentials, to develop optimization strategies and to calculate values for the fuel consumption of different agricultural operations.Publication Einfluss dynamischer Radlastschwankungen und Schräglaufwinkeländerungen auf die horizontale Kraftübertragung von Ackerschlepperreifen(2006) Schlotter, VolkmarGiven the large variation of application conditions of tractors and agricultural machinery, the force transmission between tyre and ground is of particular importance for the efficiency in agricultural use. For a proper assessment of the tyre the exact knowledge of the tyre force behaviour in vertical, longitudinal and lateral direction is required as well as their inter-dependences. Besides the steady-state behaviour the dynamic behaviour of the force transmis-sion is of high relevance. This thesis centres on the investigation of the lateral-force behaviour which is highly important for cornering, for driving on slopes, and also for vehicle roll. The steady-state and transient behaviour of the lateral force has been investigated using the Single Wheel Tester of Hohenheim University. Comparative tests for the longitudinal force transmission have been carried out. The focus was the assessment of dynamic behaviour under the influence of transient parameters particularly on rigid surfaces. The investigations for the steady-state lateral-force transmission show higher lateral forces for wider tyres especially in case of small slip angles. Tyre load has a strong influence on the cornering stiffness. A large increase in tyre load can lead to doubling the cornering stiffness. For small slip angles the lateral force tends to a maximum or even declines with increasing tyre load, so that for the same lateral force larger slip angles are required. The test results with non-steady-state slip angle excitation reveal a time delay in the lateral-force generation. This behaviour can be described by a time constant. An increase of the tyre inflation pressure from 0.5 bar to 1.6 bar leads to a decrease of the time constant by more than one third. A hyper-bolic decrease of the time constant with increasing driving speed confirms a stroke-dependency and leads in consequence to the introduction of a relaxation length. The relaxa-tion length derived from the measurements shows an increase with reduced tyre inflation pressure and rising tyre load. The values for the relaxation length are in a range of approx. 0.5 m to 1.6 m. A strong dependence on the respective method of measurement was found this means that measured values should always be reported in connection with the employed measurement method. With longitudinal force measurements the longitudinal stiffness, analogous to the cornering stiffness, was determined. For the longitudinal stiffness of the traction force values nearly twice as high are determined compared to the longitudinal stiffness of the braking force. For both parameters a nearly linear increase with the tyre load was found. The comparison of lug-excited and surface-excited tyre load fluctuations indicates a dominant influence of the lug excitation and the radial run-out of the wheel compared to stochastic excitations on road surfaces. For stochastic excitations in form of a bump the tyre load fluc-tuations are strengthened. A different behaviour of the lateral force with positive and negative gradient of the tyre load can be seen. Therefore the mean lateral forces are decreased for stochastic excitations. With low frequency excitations of the tyre load up to 2 Hz realised with the Single Wheel Tester the mean lateral force decreases by up to around 6%. The transient response of the lateral force has been determined using sinusoidal excitation of the tyre load. The relaxation length of 0.40 m to 0.75 m for tyre load excitation is lower than the relaxation length for slip angle excitation. Here as well a decrease with increasing tyre inflation pressure can be observed. Comparison with the results for the longitudinal force transmission under the influence of tyre load fluctuations shows that the time constant of the traction force amounts to only approx. one third of the time constant of the lateral force: the traction-force transmission reacts faster to tyre-load fluctuations than the lateral force transmission. Simulation of stationary lateral forces with various models shows good accordance with the measured results. For interdependent longitudinal and lateral forces the Slip-Drift-Model with appropriate adaptation of the input parameters shows good results. For modelling the non-steady-state lateral force transmission the Maxwell model was used. The spring and damping parameters have been determined with the results of measurements. An increase of the lateral tyre stiffness due to increasing tyre inflation pressure or reduced tyre load can be seen. The damping constant is strongly reduced with increasing driving speed, whereas the tyre load and the tyre inflation pressure have only a slight influence. The lateral damping constant is considerably higher than the vertical damping constant.Publication Entwicklung und Applikation eines instationären Reifenmodells zur Fahrdynamiksimulation von Ackerschleppern(2009) Ferhadbegovic, BojanThe driving speed of modern agricultural tractors increased continuously during the last years. Nowadays, a maximum driving speed of 50 km/h is standard for agricultural tractors in Germany. To be able to drive safely at such high speeds, the agricultural tractors are equipped with a suspended front axle. However, a rear axle suspension for standard tractors is still too expensive and has thus not prevailed yet. The increasing percentage of transportation duties and the efforts to increase the productivity generate a high demand for even faster agricultural tractors. Therefore, the first standard tractor with a maximum driving speed of 60 km/h was presented in 2005. This speed was achievable without a major change of the vehicle?s basic design. However, even higher driving speeds will require substantial modifications of the vehicle?s concept and are thus not expected very soon. Since the agricultural tractors are designed mainly for the field work, their driving dynamics characteristics on the road are not always perfect. The high vehicle masses, possible insufficiencies in the construction and interaction of various vehicle components together with the missing rear axle suspension can lead to critical behaviour of the vehicle, especially during high speed cornering. The entire suspension on the rear axle is accomplished by the tyres. Since the agricultural tyres are mainly designed for carrying high loads and generating high draft forces on soft soil, their driving dynamics properties on the road are rather insufficient. They usually have a radial run-out with an amplitude of 1-2 mm. Due to the rather low damping of the agricultural tyres, this rather small run-out can cause vibrations with a quite high amplitude, especially if the excitation is close to the eigenfrequency of the vehicle. Furthermore, the tyre inflation pressure varies between 0.8 and 2.0 bar - which is a relatively large span - making the vehicle setup more difficult. To analyse the driving dynamics of agricultural tractors and to identify possible problems and insufficiencies at an early stage of development simulation models are used. A very important part of a vehicle model is the tyre model. Being the link between the vehicle and the ground, the tyre has a high influence on the vehicle behaviour. It is therefore essential to use an accurate tyre model. Most of the commercially available tyre models today are optimized for passenger car tyres and are thus of limited use for soft and large agricultural tyres. In this doctoral thesis at the University of Hohenheim a dynamic model for agricultural tyres on rigid surfaces was developed ? the Hohenheim Tyre Model. It is a hybrid model since it needs physical parameters like spring and damper coefficients as well as empirically obtained data for the tyre-ground-characteristics. The Hohenheim Tyre Model uses the wheel speeds and the speed of the tyre tread to calculate the deflection velocity and the deflection of the tyre and subsequently uses both values as inputs for spring-damper-elements. The force calculated in these so-called Voigt-Kelvin-Elements is finally used to determine the slip and the slip angle of the wheel. The tyre model was created in MATLAB/Simulink and can be coupled to any multi-body-software. The model allows to calculate the transient tyre behaviour in three dimensions with a low computational effort, which makes it adequate for driving dynamics simulation. It takes the nonlinearities of the tyre into account and calculates the forces for pure longitudinal or lateral slip as well as for combined slip conditions.Publication Einsatzmöglichkeiten elektrischer Antriebe für landwirtschaftliche Maschinenkombinationen(2011) Hahn, Klaus; Böttinger, StefanTractor-Implement-Systems are a vital component of agricultural mechanization. Their replacement by self propelled machines seems unlikely in the foreseeable future. At the same time, rising needs for food, high cost of energy, and a limited workforce require continuing increases in productivity. However, this should not have a negative impact on the environment. Technological progress is therefore of outstanding importance. Looking for trends in neighboring domains an increase in the utilization of electric drives can be observed. The research presented in this thesis shows that electric drives offer various benefits for agricultural tractors and implements ? the most important advantages being efficiency, controllability, and the possibility to distribute components. Yet, to fully utilize what electric drives have to offer it is necessary to pay close attention to system architecture as well as operator control concepts to make them work in the special environment of agricultural machinery. A concept was developed that is building on the ISOBUSidea of distributed control systems. For instance, the controller (i.e. the inverter) was placed on the tractor whereas the actuator (i.e. the motor) is on the implement. Given the frequent reconfiguration of the machines the inverter thus becomes a multi-purpose component. Easy, safe, comfortable, and profitable use is achieved by a high degree of standardization of the connector ? which includes automatic identification and configuration. Analytical models as well as prototype machinery of a fertilizer spreader, a sprayer, and a trailer with a propelled axle yielded a multitude of benefits. These include reduced fuel consumption for the spreader, less residual volume for the sprayer and better traction and vehicle dynamics for the propelled trailer. The good controllability of electric drives proved to be especially beneficial for those implements usually associated with precision farming: spreader and sprayer. Unproductive times for coupling and filling can be reduced. A propelled trailer helps to reduce soil compaction. The systems presented here are, however, in an early phase of development. The benefits of decoupling implement drivelines form the tractor?s engine speed could be proven. Due to their superior efficiency under partial loads electric drives are especially advantageous in applications that come with a wide range of loads. As far as complexity and ease of use are concerned, all three implements profited from the implementation of electric drives. In all cases safety and comfort of coupling the implement did increase. However, the systems are still limited both in functionality as well as level of automation. But given the good controllability, which is independent of most external influences, it is fair to assume that there is a high potential for improvements in this regard. When it comes to system control, a high degree of integration will be mandatory for the operator to fully utilize this increasing functionality. The required standardization is yet to be achieved. A mere substitution of a given drive by an electric drive is not always sensible. The use of electric drives necessitates a revision of rotational speed levels ? or more generally speaking ? of the working principle. It is vital to include the overload capability of electric drives into these considerations. The propelled trailer has a clear advantage in traction in the field whereas driving dynamics have a higher importance on the road. Whether it is a traction-assist or a drive that can be utilized over the entire speed range drives the power required and hence cost, weight, and space. In the end, this is an economical question but it may also be significantly influenced by legislation.