Institut für Agrartechnik


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 20 of 112
  • Publication
    Effect of operational parameters of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) on droplet deposition in trellised pear orchard
    (2023) Qi, Peng; Zhang, Lanting; Wang, Zhichong; Han, Hu; Müller, Joachim; Li, Tian; Wang, Changling; Huang, Zhan; He, Miao; Liu, Yajia; He, Xiongkui
    Background: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are increasingly being used commercially for crop protection in East Asia as a new type of equipment for pesticide applications, which is receiving more and more attention worldwide. A new model of pear cultivation called the ‘Double Primary Branches Along the Row Flat Type’ standard trellised pear orchards (FT orchard) is widely used in China, Japan, Korea, and other Asian countries because it saves manpower and is suitable for mechanization compared to traditional spindle and open-center cultivation. The disease and pest efficacy of the flat-type trellised canopy structure of this cultivation is a great challenge. Therefore, a UAV spraying trial was conducted in an FT orchard, and a four-factor (SV: Spray application volume rate, FS: Flight speed, FH: Flight height, FD: Flight direction) and 3-level orthogonal test were designed. Results: These data were used to analyze the effect, including spray coverage, deposit density, coefficient of variation, and penetration coefficient on the canopy, to determine the optimal operating parameters of the UAV for pest efficacy in FT orchards. The analysis of extremes of variance showed that factor FD had a significant effect on both spray coverage and deposition density. Followed by factor FS, which had a greater effect on spray coverage (p < 0.05), and factor SV, FH, which had a greater effect on deposition density (p < 0.05). The effects of different factors on spray coverage and deposit density were FD > FS > FH > SV, FD > FH > SV > FS, in that order. The SV3-FS1-FH1-FD3, which flight along the row with an application rate of 90 L/ha, a flight speed of 1.5 m/s, and a flight height of 4.5 m, was the optimal combination, which produced the highest deposit density and spray coverage. It was determined through univariate analysis of all experimental groups, using droplet density of 25/cm2 and spray coverage of 1%, and uniformity of 40% as the measurement index, that T4 and T8 performed the best and could meet the control requirements in different horizontal and vertical directions of the pear canopy. The parameters were as follows: flight along the tree rows, application rate not less than 75 L/ha, flight speed no more than 2 m/s, and flight height not higher than 5 m. Conclusion: This article provides ample data to promote innovation in the use of UAVs for crop protection programs in pergola/vertical trellis system orchards such as FT orchards. At the same time, this project provided a comprehensive analysis of canopy deposition methods and associated recommendations for UAV development and applications.
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    Binder‐free N‐functionalized carbon electrodes for oxygen evolution reaction
    (2023) Song, Feihong; Straten, Jan W.; Lin, Yang‐Ming; Ding, Yuxiao; Schlögl, Robert; Heumann, Saskia; Mechler, Anna K.
    The oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is one of the bottlenecks of electrochemical water splitting. Metal‐free carbons from biomass are highly abundant and can be easily synthesized. Their low price, high conductivity and functionalization makes them promising materials. Herein, we report about free‐standing carbon electrodes as electrocatalysts for the OER. In contrast to powder‐based catalysts, free‐standing electrodes not only avoid additives, but also facilitate post analysis and better reflect industrial conditions. Here, the performance of pure carbon electrodes is compared to those of N‐functionalized ones. Utilizing several analytical techniques, the difference in performance can be rationalized by physical properties. Especially, the analysis of the gaseous products is shown to be of crucial importance. It reveals that N‐doped carbons generate more oxygen and are more robust against carbon corrosion. This illustrates the importance of measuring selectivity especially for carbon electrocatalysts, as higher currents do not necessarily result in higher catalytic activity.
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    Coupled biogas and fiber production from agricultural residues and energy crops with steam explosion treatment
    (2023) Hülsemann, Benedikt; Baumgart, Marian; Lenz, Leonhard; Elviliana,; Föllmer, Marie; Sailer, Gregor; Dinkler, Konstantin; Oechsner, Hans
    The global demand for packaging materials and energy is constantly increasing, requiring the exploration of new concepts. In this work, we presented a bioeconomic concept that uses steam explosion and phase separation to simultaneously generate fibers for the packaging industry and biogas substrate for the energy sector. The concept focused on fiber-rich residues and fiber-rich ecological energy crops from agriculture. Feasibility of the concept in the laboratory using feedstocks, including Sylvatic silphia silage, Nettle silage, Miscanthus, Apple pomace, Alfalfa stalks, and Flax shives was confirmed. Our results showed that we were able to separate up to 26.2% of the methane potential while always extracting a smaller percentage of up to 17.3% of organic dry matter (ODM). Specific methane yields of 297–486 LCH4 kgODM−1 in the liquid and 100–286 LCH4 kgODM−1 in the solid phase were obtained. The solid phases had high water absorption capacities of 216–504% due to the steam explosion, while the particle size was not significantly affected. The concept showed high potential, especially for undried feedstock.
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    Effect of reactive and non-reactive additive treatment on the recovery of phosphorus from biogas digestate
    (2023) Uppuluri, Naga Sai Tejaswi; Dinkler, Konstantin; Ran, Xueling; Guo, Jianbin; Müller, Joachim; Oechsner, Hans
    The annual phosphate (PO43−) utilization has increased, leading to a depletion of existing sources of phosphorus (P). To overcome this, digestate as a source to recover P is being investigated. Due to the abundance of nutrients, the digestate from an agricultural biogas plant is used as fertilizer for crops. The separation of solids and liquids from the digestate by a screw press is the simplest form of concentrating, therefore, recovering PO43−. This is the most commonly employed method in existing biogas plants. However, the separation is not very efficient as only 20–30% of P is recovered in the solid phase. The goal of this study is to increase the separation efficiency and recover more P into the solid phase, in order to improve the transportability. For this, separation trials at a laboratory scale were performed for five experimental groups, with biochar and straw flour as non-reactive additives and kieserite as a reactive additive. In addition, untreated digestate was studied as a control. The control and the treatment with biochar and straw flour were carried out at 25 °C, while the treatment with kieserite was performed at 25 °C and 50 °C. The separation trails were performed at treatment times of 0 h, 1 h, 2 h, 8 h, and 20 h. The results showed that the treatment with additives had a beneficial effect on the recovery of P. It was noted that kieserite treatment at 25 °C and 50 °C bound about 61% of the total P present in the digestate to the solid phase. A sequential extraction was performed to study the effect of additives on the recovery of different P species. The results concluded that, compared to biochar and straw flour, kieserite was efficient in recovering the non-labile fractions (NaOH-P and HCl-P) of P, which act as slow-release fertilizers. This study shows that the use of additives, especially kieserite, has a positive influence on recovering P from digestate, and further research to optimize the recovery process would be beneficial.
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    Visualization of lidar-based 3D droplet distribution detection for air-assisted spraying
    (2023) Wang, Zhichong; Zhang, Yang; Li, Tian; Müller, Joachim; He, Xiongkui
    Air-assisted spraying is a commonly used spraying method for orchard plant protection operations. However, its spraying parameters have complex effects on droplet distribution. The lack of large-scale 3D droplet density distribution measurement methods of equipment has limited the optimization of spraying parameters. Therefore, there is a need to develop a method that can quickly obtain 3D droplet distribution. In this study, a 2D LiDAR was used to quickly scan moving droplets in the air, and a test method that can obtain the visualization of 3D droplet distribution was constructed by using the traveling mode of the machine perpendicular to the scanning plane. The 3D droplet distribution at different positions of the nozzle installed in the air-assisted system was tested at different fan rotation speeds, and the methods for signal processing, point cloud noise reduction, and point cloud division for 2D LiDAR were developed. The results showed that the LiDAR-based method for detecting 3D droplet distribution is feasible, fast, and environmentally friendly.
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    Impact of thermo-mechanical pretreatment of sargassum muticum on anaerobic co-digestion with wheat straw
    (2023) Hütter, Miriam; Sailer, Gregor; Hülsemann, Benedikt; Müller, Joachim; Poetsch, Jens
    Sargassum muticum (SM) is an invasive macroalgal species seasonally occurring in large quantities. While generally suitable for anaerobic digestion, recent studies resulted in low specific methane yields (SMYs), presumably due to salt, polyphenol, and high fiber contents of this marine biomass. In this study, the specific biogas yield (SBY) and SMY of SM alone as well as in co-digestion with wheat straw (WS) were investigated in batch tests at process temperatures of 44 ± 1.4 °C with a retention time of approx. 40 d. The pretreatment variants of SM were examined with regard to desalination and disintegration to potentially improve digestibility and to enhance the overall performance in anaerobic digestion. A sole mechanical treatment (pressing) and a thermo-mechanical treatment (heating and pressing) were tested. Batch assays showed that pressing increased the SMY by 15.1% whereas heating and pressing decreased the SMY by 15.7% compared to the untreated variant (87.64 ± 8.72 mL/gVS). Both anaerobic digestion experiments generally showed that co-digestion with WS can be recommended for SM, but the observed SBY and SMY were still similar to those of other studies in which SM was not pretreated. The mechanical pretreatment of SM, however, offers the potential to enhance the SMY in the anaerobic digestion of SM with WS, but further research is necessary to identify the optimum upgrading approaches since the overall SMY of SM is relatively low compared to other substrates that are commonly used in anaerobic digestion. In addition to anaerobic digestion, SM as an already available biomass could also be of interest for further utilization approaches such as fiber production.
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    Crucial interactions of functional pyrenes with graphite in electrodes for lithium‐ion batteries
    (2023) Bauer, Marina; Konnerth, Philipp; Radinger, Hannes; Pfeifer, Kristina; Joshi, Yug; Bauer, Felix; Ehrenberg, Helmut; Scheiba, Frieder
    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, such as pyrenes, are a well‐known material class for non‐covalent modification of carbon surfaces in many applications. In electrochemical energy storage, pyrenes are mostly used in large polymeric structures. This work addresses the use of carboxy‐ and amino‐functionalized pyrenes for graphite electrodes for lithium‐ion batteries (LIBs). Pyrenes are explored as adsorbed species on graphite prior to electrode fabrication and as additives to the electrode composition. Thereby, 1‐pyrenecarboxylic acid, 1‐pyrenebutyric acid, 1‐aminopyrene, and 1‐pyrenebutylamine were under investigation. As additives, pyrenes do not influence the cycling performance of the electrode at low current but deteriorate the performance at high current, regardless of the functional group. However, when the pyrenes are adsorbed to the graphite surface, the influence of the different functional groups becomes clearly visible, revealing that an additional butyl group has a positive impact on the cycling performance and lithium‐ion transport of the electrodes. Electrodes with 1‐pyrenebutyric acid even enhanced the performance compared to the pristine electrode.
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    Evaluation of the char formation during the hydrothermal treatment of wooden balls
    (2023) Pfersich, Jens; Arauzo, Pablo J.; Modugno, Pierpaolo; Titirici, Maria‐Magdalene; Kruse, Andrea
    With wooden balls, a visualization of the hydrothermal carbonization to show the progress of the conversion to char is presented. In the present study, the balls represent the particles of biomass to investigate the differences in conversion outside and inside of biomass particles, during hydrothermal carbonization. A special focus is on hydrochar and pyrochar formation. The wooden balls are treated in subcritical water at 220 °C for holding times between 0 and 960 min. Even after 960 min, hydrolysis of the original biomass is incomplete as cellulose and hemicellulose are linked by lignin, inhibiting the reaction with water. Moreover, two different pathways of char production can be observed. Inside of the wooden ball pyrochar is formed as any water got that deep in, on the surface hydrochar is fixed, originated from the surrounding liquid. On the ground of the HTC reactor, a thin, brittle precipitate of likely hydrochar or humins can be found either from the precipitation of loosely attached compounds on the surface of the biomass or direct precipitation from the liquid.
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    A proposal for evaluating the economic viability of biorefineries against petrochemical benchmarks
    (2024) Götz, Markus; Kruse, Andrea
    Usually costs of bio‐based products are compared to those of their fossil counterparts, most often made from crude oil. This paper adds new insights into this kind of comparison and provides approaches as to how future innovations in biorefineries and bio‐based chemicals can be compared to commercial fossil alternatives. The shift to alternative carbon sources will lead to higher costs in the short term. However, expected changes in the crude oil market and regulatory effects will cause rising costs of fossil chemicals in the near future. This work also provides strategies for implementing increased prices.
  • Publication
    Development and optimisation of a low-temperature drying schedule for Eucalyptus grandis (Hill) ex Maiden in a solar-assisted timber dryer
    (2006) Bauer, Konrad; Mühlbauer, Werner
    The Brazilian furniture industry consumes about 45 million m³ of sawnwood per year which is mainly supplied by deforestation of the tropical rainforest. At the same time, fast growing eucalypt species are produced on almost 3 million ha for the production of wood pulp and charcoal. Meanwhile, several Brazilian companies try to substitute the expensive natural woods by hardwood from eucalypt trees for the production of high quality sawnwood. However, eucalypt wood has to be dried very carefully under controlled conditions to prevent drying defects. Ambient air drying is not suitable since missing control causes high losses and long drying times. Beside this, the low wood moisture content required in the furniture industry cannot be achieved. Artificial drying technologies reduce the drying time, the timber can be dried to a low wood moisture content and the quality can be improved. However, sophisticated high-temperature dryers cause high investments. Locally manufactured timber dryers do not allow an adequate control of the drying process. Furthermore, the required slow drying process is increasing the thermal and electrical energy consumption causing high drying costs. To overcome the existing problems, the Institute of Agricultural Engineering in the Tropics and Subtropics of the University of Hohenheim (ATS) developed in close co-operation with the German company THERMO-SYSTEM Industrie- & Trocknungstechnik Ltd (THS), Alfdorf and the Brazilian forest company CAF Santa Barbara Ltda (CAF) a solar-assisted dryer for sawnwood with integrated solar collector and biomass backup heating system. Aim of this research work was to analyse the newly developed solar dryer and to develop a suitable drying schedule which allows the economical production of high quality sawnwood for the furniture industry. Therefore, a prototype of the greenhouse type dryer was installed under subtropical climate in Brazil. Due to the low thermal insulation of the solar dryer and missing experience with the extremely sensitive Brazilian varieties of Eucalyptus grandis, a new type of drying schedule had to be developed. The new schedule considers not only the general drying demands of eucalypt sawnwood but also the system immanent characteristics of the solar dryer and the ambient air conditions. An oscillation of the drying air temperature according to the ambient air allowed to speed up the drying process and reduces the condensation of water on the cover without a negative impact on the timber quality. In more than 80 drying tests with 16 000 m³ of eucalypt sawnwood the schedule was tested and improved. Based on experiments and information from literature, the course of the temperature, relative humidity and velocity of the drying air and the mode of remoistening was systematically optimised. Thereby, the influence of the changing drying conditions on the drying time, the timber quality, the energy consumption and the drying costs were analysed. With the final version of the drying schedule, 27 mm thick boards could be dried in the solar dryer from a medium wood moisture content of 60 to 12 % d.b. in 27 days. This drying time was about 20 % higher than in a high temperature dryer. However, a drying time of at least 60 days was required to reduce the moisture content to about 20 % d.b. at ambient air drying. The electric energy consumption in the solar dryer was reduced to about 20 kWh per m³ dried eucalypt sawnwood. This is only 20 % of the energy usually consumed in a high temperature dryer. The thermal energy consumption was 1.2 GJ per m³ which is about 60 % less than the energy required in conventional high temperature dryers. The low thermal and electrical energy consumption combined with the considerable lower investment costs for the solar-assisted timber resulted in average drying costs of 7.90 Euro per m³. This is only half of the costs caused by drying 27 mm thick eucalypt hardwood in a high temperature dryer. For an economic evaluation, a sensitivity analysis was done for the most important cost parameters. The electrical energy costs, the currency exchange rate and the interest rate for credits were found to be the main influencing parameters on the Brazilian market conditions. However, solar drying was generally more cost efficient than conventional high temperature drying. In the framework of this research work, it was proved that Brazilian eucalypt timber can be dried economically to a low moisture content of 10 to 12 % at a high quality level by applying the developed drying schedule in the optimised solar-assisted dryer. Meanwhile, approximately 35 000 m³ of eucalypt hardwood is dried annually in two solar-assisted drying plants contributing significantly to the protection of the natural rain forests.
  • Publication
    Energiebedarf von Traktoren und ausgewählten Anbaugeräten in der Außenwirtschaft landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe
    (2024) Schwehn, Julian; Böttinger, Stefan
    Vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels und hoher Ressourcenpreise ist der umsichtige Einsatz der zur Verfügung stehenden Energieträger von besonderer Bedeutung. Um die Folgen anthropogener Treibhausgasemissionen auf das Klima zu minimieren, sehen legislative Vorgaben in Europa und Deutschland ambitionierte Reduktionsziele für einzelne Sektoren wie die Landwirtschaft vor. Die heterogene Agrarstruktur erfordert standortgerechte Produktions und Arbeitsverfahren, was zu einer großen Vielfalt an eingesetzten Maschinen und Anbaugeräten führt. Neben der Untersuchung von Einsparpotentialen einzelner Fahrzeugkomponenten bieten landwirtschaftliche Verfahrensketten mögliche weitere Einsparungen. Die Erforschung dieser prozessualen Potentiale macht eine detaillierte Kenntnis der eingesetzten Maschinen und Anbaugeräte aus energetischer Sicht notwendig. Um die Einsparpotentiale innerhalb der Prozesse sowie der eingesetzten Technologien quantifizieren zu können, wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit der Energiebedarf von Traktoren und ausgewählten Anbaugeräten ermittelt. Dazu wird nach der Einführung einzelner Maschinen und Anbaugeräte eine Metastudie verschiedener Testverfahren und Literaturquellen durchgeführt, um die vorhandene Datenbasis zu bewerten und Datenlücken aufzuzeigen. Soweit es die Datenbasis zulässt, werden der aktuelle Stand und eine Entwicklung seit 1990 dargestellt, um die bereits erzielten Einsparungen aufzuzeigen. Darüber hinaus erfolgt ein Vergleich sowie eine Evaluierung bestehender Modellansätze zur Berechnung des Energiebedarfs einzelner Maschinen und Anbaugeräte. Aus der Kenntnis vorhandener Datenlücken sowie der Güte aktueller Parametersätze können systematische Feldversuche für weiterführende Arbeiten abgeleitet werden.
  • Publication
    Laser backscattering imaging in agriculture
    (2023) Wu, Zhangkai; Müller, Joachim
    Non-destructive optical sensor technology (NDOST) is an essential part of agriculture. The unique capabilities of laser notably enhanced NDOST. Laser backscattering imaging (LBI) is a technology that captures light patterns scattered by a material to analyze its properties. It is particularly suitable for agriculture due to its affordability and the optical scattering nature of agricultural products. The images generated by LBI are related to the optical parameters of the examined objects. Crucial tasks in LBI include the selection of an appropriate laser, the extraction of image features, and the utilization of a prediction model for analysis. LBI has been employed in numerous scenarios, such as maturity detection and drying monitoring. The main challenges for LBI involve establishing a precise theoretical framework and uncovering new applications within agriculture. This study aims to enhance the foundational knowledge about LBI and explore additional application scenarios. The first study focused on basic research about LBI. Currently, researchers rarely document the cell size of their samples and treat the optical coefficient as a constant within agricultural products, which is questionable. This studys purpose was to use glass filter matrices as controlled models and to evaluate the effects of pore size, different solutes, concentrations, and wavelength. The used porous glass discs had pore diameters ranging from 1 to 160 µm. We applied aqueous solutions of NaCl (0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 mol/L) and NaH₂PO₄ (0, 0.8, 1.6, 2.4, and 3.2 mol/L) to fill the pores. The LBI system incorporated laser modules at three different wavelengths (405, 635, 780 nm). The results illustrated that three of the four examined experimental factors (the pore diameter, the solutes, and their concentrations) have a substantial impact on LBI. However, no clear differences in LBI patterns were observed among the three utilized wavelengths. Consequently, when deploying LBI on fruits, for instance, a thorough consideration of cell sizes at various depths from the fruit surface is required. The second study focused on a possible application scenario of LBI: the sedimentation process of crude sesame oil. Oil sedimentation is a process where gravity is used to remove solid impurities, resulting in a clearer oil. This study examined the sedimentation process in crude sesame oil using LBI. In situ and laboratory experiments were conducted over 30 days, involving an LBI system directly attached to a transparent sedimentation tank with 120L of crude oil. Both the oil properties and sedimentation curve were analyzed along with the LBI images. There was a dramatic drop in oil particle-related properties (at least 87%), a 90% decrease in water content, and minor changes in oxidation-related properties. The sedimentation speed was about −7 mm/h, then became less than −2 mm/h, revealing two stages: diluted and hindered sedimentation. The crude oils surface displayed a distinctive scattering spot and a Tyndall effect within the oil, showing an increasing path length as sedimentation proceeded. The findings offer practical insights for enhancing sedimentation tank and LBI system design. The third study focused on another possible application scenario of LBI: leaf wetness measurement. Leaf wetness plays a pivotal role in managing plant fungi diseases. Existing optical techniques categorize leaf wetness as a binary problem – either wet or dry. In contrast, this research developed a platform capable of semi-automatically measuring droplet deposition on grape leaves using an LBI system. The leaf area, mean intensity per pixel in the red channel, and droplet count using information from the green channel were extracted from the scattering images. The study employed a generalized additive model (GAM) to predict leaf wetness with the extracted features. The prediction of the test dataset achieved an R-squared value of 0.78. The extraction of image features was found to be influenced by factors such as image resolution and leaf orientation. The method introduced in this study offers the potential for precise quantification of leaf wetness with an LBI system. In conclusion, our study highlights the importance of considering cell size in agricultural applications of LBI. Besides, LBI was found useful in monitoring plant oil sedimentation and quantifying leaf wetness. This suggests its potential for scenarios involving state changes in suspensions or colloids and differentiating materials with distinct optical properties. However, using a porous matrix as a model introduces an inherent error. Additionally, advancements are necessary to transition the application studies into practical use. Future LBI development could be facilitated by building a comprehensive database on light interactions with diverse cells and tissues.
  • Publication
    DIY Insektenscheuche : Konzept und Umsetzung im Projekt InsectMow
    (2024) Frank, Jonas
    Quick guide to building the insect flushing bar from the InsectMow project
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    Adaptive operator systems in tractors : analysis of potentials and methods for specification and evaluation
    (2024) Schempp, Timo Thomas
    Der Ackerschlepper wird in der Landwirtschaft, auf dem Bau, im Forst und im Kommunalbereich als Universalmaschine eingesetzt. Dazu wird er wechselnd mit einer Vielzahl von Maschinen gekoppelt, um diese zu betreiben. Es ergeben sich wechselnde Bedienszenarien mit unterschiedlichen Anforderungen an die Bedienung der gekoppelten Maschinen. Heutige Bediensysteme sind statisch und müssen daher als Kompromisslösung für diese unterschiedlichen Anforderungen an die Bedienung eingeordnet werden. Adaptive Bediensysteme können sich hingegen an wechselnde Bedienszenarien anpassen. Diese Arbeit beleuchtet den Stand der Technik der Bediensysteme in Ackerschleppern allgemein und explizit an drei ausgewählten Beispielen. Ferner werden zwei Methoden beschrieben, mit denen ein adaptives Bediensystem spezifiziert werden kann. Für die Bewertung der kognitiven und physischen Ergonomie von Bediensystemen allgemein werden zwei weitere Methoden vorgestellt. Alle Methoden sind für einen auf dem V-Modell basierenden Entwicklungsprozess geeignet. Die beschriebenen Ergebnisse einer theoretischen und praktischen Potentialanalyse motivieren den Einsatz adaptiver Bediensysteme im Ackerschlepper. Die theoretische Potentialanalyse stützt sich auf die Grundlagen der Ergonomie und auf die Art und Weise wie die Funktionen in einem Ackerschlepper genutzt werden. Die praktische Potentialanalyse stützt sich auf die Auswertung und Analyse von Messdaten aus dem Feld mit fast 500 Arbeitsstunden aus 14 Bedienszenarien. Ferner beschreibt diese Arbeit die Anwendung der Methoden zur Spezifikation, das entwickelte und funktionsfähige adaptive Bediensystem und die Anwendung der Bewertungsmethoden, die für das adaptive Bediensystem eine signifikante Verbesserungen der physischen und kognitiven Ergonomie zeigen.
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    Integrated technical approach for differentiated nitrogen application based on expert knowledge and multiple parameters
    (2023) Heiß, Andreas; Griepentrog, Hans
    Variable rate nitrogen (N) application is subject to spatio-temporal dynamics of multiple parameters and a high dependency on specific local conditions. Furthermore, existing algorithms are barely capable of considering agronomic expert knowledge and common application technology limits the precise in-field realization. This work approached the complexity of site-specific N management in terms of the decision making, as well as the technical and organizational realization in a systemic manner. A commercial real-time N-sensor system’s behavior was transferred into a fuzzy expert system and extended with soil information. The incorporation into a real-time control included also the spatial synchronization of dose rate determination and realization. A digital process chain to facilitate decision making, data management and execution in the field was conceptualized and evaluated with a prototypical implementation. The N-sensor’s algorithms were precisely imitated with a maximum percentage root mean square error of 0.14%, while the multi-parametric system has implied more robust decisions. In field tests, the real-time control has shown acceptable synchronization errors largely below 1 m and with medians in the range of 0.25 m under realistic conditions. The integrated system architecture has shown a high consistency in terms of straightforward and situative expert knowledge acquisition, as well as the suitability for different sensor and application technologies. The work represents a systemic approach for a derivation and employment of machine-readable algorithms from agronomic expert knowledge defining the cause-effect relationships for a site-specific N application. Its generic properties allow a supplementation by other models and can in turn strengthen them further.
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    Aspects of incorporating biodegradable textiles to improve sports turf
    (2023) Stürmer-Stephan, Bastian; Griepentrog, Hans
    Due to climate change and the need to save water, water consumption must be reduced not only in agriculture but also in urban areas. There are 55,072 sports fields in Germany that have to be irrigated in summer. In order to reduce the amount of irrigation, two approaches were researched and discussed in this thesis. The first approach is to adapt new sports fields to the local weather conditions. This approach is a decision support system, based on a model. The input variables are recorded weather data from the German Weather Service for the location where the new sports field is to be built, the hydrological properties of the substrates, and the expected costs. An optimized dimensioning of the rootzone layer is calculated by an EA solver of Microsoft Excel. This thickness of the layer can be used for the construction project. This was calculated exemplary for 3 locations. The presented model needs to be further evaluated through field trials. For existing sports fields, the root zone layer can only be changed with great effort. In this case, a biodegradable nonwoven can be installed in an existing sports field with drainage layer structure. This nonwoven transport water from the deeper drainage layer into the root zone of the turf through the capillaries, so that the water is available to the turf. To achieve this function, the 150 mm wide nonwoven must be installed vertically at a depth of 170 mm +-20 mm. During installation, the ground cover must not be reduced and the roughness of the surface must not be increased. In the present work, a device is presented, that cuts the turf, opens a furrow, incorporates the nonwoven and then closes the furrow. The device is mounted on the tractor and consists of a height guide, a cutting disc, a box coulter and a pressure roller. The device was tested on three plots with a layer structure in Stuttgart. The cutting disc works properly because no clogging was observed. A measurement frame equipped with an ultrasonic sensor, a laser range finder and a feeler wheel determined the surface roughness before and after incorporating the nonwoven. The results showed a significant increase in roughness. In order to reduce the negative impact to the ground surface, it would be possible to increase the ballasting of the device. However, harmful soil compaction must be avoided. The uniform working depth of the developed device was determined with a tachymeter and showed a deviation from the nominal depth of less than 20 mm. The results show that this meets the requirements for the device. Ground cover was measured before and after installing the nonwoven. The turf damage was less than 15 % of the ground cover, which meets the playability requirements. Reconsolidation was determined by penetrologger and evaluated in profile. The soil recompaction, measured as penetration resistance, was similar to the status quo, except in the area close to the nonwoven, where the recompaction failed. The furrows of the developed device can be recompacted more effectively by using two pressure roller, attached V-shaped. But it must be verified that the two pressure rollers do not cause ridge formation, as is the case with seed drills. Overall, the performance of the device can be considered positive, but improvements are still needed to improve reconsolidation. These improvements can be verified in future investigations. At the same time, the effectiveness of the nonwoven must be evaluated in the future. Preliminary tests have shown that the capillary action is sufficient to transport water from the drainage layer to the root zone.
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    Potential and prospects of a brand differentiation in the agricultural engineering, using the example of the multi-brand company CNH Industrial
    (2023) Münd, Benjamin; Köller, Karlheinz
    CNH Industrial unites three agricultural brands, Case IH, Steyr and New Holland. With miscellaneous mergers in the past, these former independent manufacturers of agricultural equipment were combined in one company. A lot of synergies were used and are still being used to maximize the profit of the parent company CNH Industrial and to reduce complexity. Through this harmonization process, the tractor models of the three brands became more and more similar with less distinctive features which leads to a high comparability of the brands Case IH, Steyr and New Holland and its tractor product line up above 55 hp. This results in a strong competition between these brands because in most countries the dealer network is separated for New Holland and Case IH/Steyr and every distribution partner is independent and strives for their own profitability. Due to this, the internal competition prevents external competition with tractors from other manufacturers, which generates cannibalization effects and reduces the profit of the three brands, CNH Industrial and the dealers. Structural changes in the European agriculture led to bigger farms with in total less tractor registrations per year what intensifies additionally the competition for tractor manufacturers. A survey with farmers and contractors from Germany, UK and France showed, that a brand and product differentiation would make sense and would bring a sustainable benefit for all three brands and their parent company CNH Industrial. Because of the history of all three brands and loyal long-term customers, a merger to one CNH Industrial brand is not efficient and expedient. It is important to identify the right customer group for each brand, to know the customers’ requirements and to offer the appropriate products and technical solutions. The network of distribution partners (dealers) is the key factor for an efficient market development. The professionalism of the dealers is mainly determining the success of a brand and its products in the market and the perception of the farmers and contractors. The professionalization of the dealer and collaboration between manufacturing company and dealer is essential. Also, the country of production of the tractors has a significant impact on the customer perception and appreciation. “Made in Germany” is still a quality characteristic and explains partially the high appreciation of Fendt and John Deere as premium tractors for professional farmers and contractors. Steyr as one brand of CNH Industrial AG which only produces tractors has a valid potential to establish to a premium tractor brand in Europe. Due to little negative connotations of customers and a straightforward history the brand has a good base for this development purpose. Bottom line, there are manifold possibilities to achieve a differentiation that is perceived by the customers as such. However, several actions are only feasible mid- or long-term. A product differentiation makes sense to reach a broad base of customers. Certainly, it is undisputed that a product differentiation is connected to high investment. If it is economically viable for the CNH Industrial group remains to be evaluated.
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    Ökonomische Bewertung der „Doppelernte“ von Getreidekörnern mit den Reststoffen Spreu und Stroh
    (2021) Ortmaier, Jörg; Köller, Karlheinz
    Objective of this work is an economic evaluation of new harvesting methods, so-called “dual- harvesting” methods for common harvesting of grains and their residual biomass. In detail, the aim is on the one hand to evaluate the predicted higher quality and quantity per hectare of har-vestable residual biomass such as chaff and straw that can be realized with dual-harvesting technologies, but on the other hand especially their additional income contrasted to the pro-cess costs by proceeding dual-harvesting. For this purpose, combine harvesting with additional chaff or straw harvesting is compared to some dual-harvesting methods, both in terms of process technology and in monetary terms. Dual-harvesting methods are simulated with self-propelled forage harvester threshing, forage wagon windrow harvesting, compact harvesting and harvesting with a tractor mounted stripper header. The comparison includes the required logistic-chains and crop aftertreatment, i.e. sta-tionary separation of grain and biomass for each method. As basis for calculations is done specific modeling, e.g. for chaff yields and crop volumes as a function of grain yield. Parame-ters such as area size are included and also field distance, loss times, e.g. for turning opera-tions in the field, working speeds and road transport speeds. A calculation model developed for this purpose calculates time required for harvesting of one field for all processes with the greatest possible comparability. Based on machine costs stored in databases, e.g. for depreci-ation or wear and repair, which are automatically transferred to their desired process calcula-tion via selection lists, the costs per operating hour and, including area per hour and area size, costs per hectare can be determined for each harvesting process. Since all processes have different levels of grain and biomass losses, the process-specific, total revenues for grain and biomass are calculated accordingly and process costs calculated in each case are deducted from them. The resulting harvest cost free outputs (HCFO) are used as a comparative value. Without taking into account costs of reproducing soil organic matter as long term result, the following HCFO result for the individual methods according to the assumptions are calculated: combine threshing with bale harvesting 1309.93 €/ha; compact harvesting 1285.66 to 1529.53 €/ha depending on the amount of straw harvested; forage harvester threshing 1421.04 €/ha; forage wagon swath harvesting 1429.40 €/ha; tractor-mounted stripper header 1279.58 €/ha. The compact harvesting method thus has an advantage of up to 219.60 €/ha over the estab-lished combine and bale technology with same given assumptions. The other methods are in between or slightly below the combine harvesting. If costs for nutrient removal and soil organic matter reproduction are included for long term perspective, the advantage of compact harvest-ing is up to 143.44 €/ha. Based on literature research and model calculations, it can be assumed with a high degree of probability that dual-harvesting methods actually make residual materials usable in greater quantities with higher quality than it is possible with widely used combine harvesting. Concerns expressed by Buchmann (1961) and Garmasch (1960) regarding the suitability of combine harvesting for an efficient provision of chaff and straw are substantiated when calculation re-sults are taken into account. In addition, agronomic effects of dual-harvesting methods are positive compared to combine harvesting, which was not able to be evaluated in monetary terms and therefore represents a great need for future research. The positive assessment is due to improved field hygiene by removing weed seeds and plant pathogens from the field during dual-harvest. This could re-duce the need for chemical pesticides. Use of cereal residues not only improves resource effi-ciency and "saves" land for cultivation of renewable raw materials, but the carbon contained in chaff and straw remains bound in sustainable products to a greater extent, such as in biochar. Dual-harvesting is an essential tool for cost-effective provision of plant residues required for that purpose and at the same time offers great potential for more environmentally friendly field management and benefits for biodiversity, e.g. through possibility of regular cultivation of plant mixtures instead of individual crops. Digital development up to autonomous field management can be made more rational in dual-harvesting methods through simplified processes in the field, which can be expected to lead to further increases in efficiency of grain and residue har-vesting in the future.
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    Potentialbewertung effizienzsteigernder Technologien bei Landmaschinen in Verfahrensketten mit Körnerfruchternte
    (2023) Meiners, Arwid Steffen
    Reducing fuel consumption in agricultural process chains through increased energy efficiency in machine use is effectively achieved through process-oriented approaches. Although European targets for greenhouse gas reduction are increasingly being demanded legislatively and socially, the farmer’s pressure to act is primarily motivated intrinsically due to economic constraints. There are technologies existing on the market that contribute to increasing machine and process efficiency. To this day, however, it is difficult to evaluate their economic use on a farm-specific basis before deciding on investments. The complexity of agricultural process chains encourages and demands comprehensive approaches for both the use and the evaluation of efficiency-increasing technologies and measures. The objective of this research is to develope and apply a proper evaluation method. As a virtual evaluation environment, a machine model is created which can be used to calculate time-related fuel consumption of agricultural machine combinations under the influence of efficiency-increasing technologies. Supplemented by a process model, the consumption of individual process chains and entire crop rotations can be simulated. A modular model topology allows flexible combinations of tractors and implements for process chains with grain crop production. Corresponding simulation models are built and parametrised. The focus is on developing a model for self-propelled harvesters and on parameterising it for application as a combine harvester. As a data basis for the process components, load and performance data are collected in field tests using a state-of-the-art hybrid combine harvester. At the same time this contributes to the general data availability of performance requirements of process components in harvesting operations. In the model application, a potential evaluation of efficiency-increasing technologies and measures, such as optimised traction conditions, driving strategies or reduced intensities in tillage and harvesting, is carried out on a virtual model farm representing typical process chains with grain crop production in the region of South Hanover. Optimisation potentials for three- and five-part crop rotations are established along the individual process steps. Specific recommendations from individual technology analyses are made for efficient use of the machinery in use. As an overall assessment, a potential for reducing fuel consumption of about 26% resulting from optimised machine efficiency can be identified.
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    Analyse der Maschinenkosten mittels automatisierter und manueller Maschinendokumentation im ackerbaulichen Produktionsprozess
    (2023) Lattke, Justus; Böttinger, Stefan
    “Smart Farming”, “Agriculture 4.0” and the “Internet of Things” are terms set to define the future of global agriculture. Many studies predict that these new technologies will have more impact on agricultural productivity than the “Green Revolution” of the 1970s. Upstream and downstream agricultural suppliers claim that their products and services will benefit farmers and their businesses. In this study, several farm management software programs were tested for their capacity to add value to the cropping division of a large and diversified farm. The evaluation showed that a farm management software program based on automatic collection of machinery cost data, gave more precise and timely information than a process relying on manual data collection. This conclusion was arrived at by calculating total cropping equipment costs over a full season using two cost accounting methods – an adaptable planned cost calculation and a process cost calculation – and comparing the results from the automatic and the manual collection of data. To determine the most suitable method and to select the various software programs to evaluate, various trade fairs and companies were visited, and websites searched. The most promising software programs were then tested for functionality and ease of use at the Horsch farm, “Agrovation”. It turned out difficult to establish an incentive system for employees to use the new technologies. For this reason, the farm machines at Agrargesellschaft Pfiffelbach were equipped with the 365FarmNet application without employee registration. The entire production period of crops harvested in 2018 was included. Both automatic and manual data collection took place from August 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018. To evaluate the quality of the two methods of data acquisition, the actual hours worked were compared with the hours recorded according to the type of cost collection.